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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


abandon this, moving to live journal where no one knows.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

-> travel

the 3rd pp to volunteer sponsor part of e cost to a trip.


Monday, March 14, 2011


I never know I could actually cause so much hurt to people.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

-> question

e question have been posted again... and I just kept quiet.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

-> vday pressie from zun

received vday pressie from zun. it's his thoughts that i felt he put a lot of effort in it.
one of the things he wrote.


很多事我都开不了口让你知道,像有一次打pool, 你被gian long 讲,迟到被gian long 骂,但每次你都不在乎,还能跟他很好,但我却很不开心,这些应该是你不知道的事。可能,in your eyes, 我并不值得你留意吧。我就在心里说,没关系终有一天,哪怕只是一点点的注意到我,我都会很开心。

31st Jan ~ 2nd Feb, 虽然是短短的三天,但心情的起伏却很大。一开始就想在这三天把你宠坏,让你开开心心去Malaysia 想在那三天内,能不能成为mummy 的生理时钟。就算mummy 也有可能只把我当男佣来使唤而身边可能也有了别人。我也不会complain, 因为一开始,我是你“儿子”阿。但只要是我能给的, 我一定会做给mummy 的。

虽然我没有gian long 壮,也没gian long 好看,但我绝对不会像gian long 为了小事就骂你,希望会有那么一天儿子能成为mummy 的专属天使把你藏起来!!!

but he's still being rejected 3 times straight today... just dont wish to go into a relationship this fast yet.
it wont be easy. if it's that easy, then i would have been attached a long time ago..........


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