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Monday, June 30, 2008

-> letter

received a letter frm sch juz nw. a letter of poor attendance haa. e days written are 18, 19, 20, 23 and 24. haa sch started juz 2 wks and i pon 1 week away le hee.. today i pon again............. plus 30 jun wif that 5 days hee.

i still went to sch. at 5pm. haa pp go sch at 8.30am but my sch starts at 5pm. hee went rock climbin trainin la. even if i skipped schs, i will still go fer trainin de coz trainin time is later than sch time. of coz by then can wake up le ma.

long time nv talk bout trainin in blog le. climb some routes, completed and i rmb one route that i can finally complete. haa. it took mi so many tries coz i dun dare to jump to the endin tile. even if i did try jumpin, i can only touch and fall.

i finally finished e route wif e help of contours wher i make use of the contours ard. haa. i cream on the contours then slowly statically go fer e end tile wher its nearer haa. i gt e end tile, but when i come down, i slip my footin n fall haa. i landin inbetween the wall and the crash pad sittin down. zul was callin mi askin mi ok ma. haa. he said, "jocelyn, u ok a not. if u wan fall u aim properly la. dun fall at the long gang haa." haa funny sia that comment. gt a stratch frm that fall wif e fall only la. but i notice a bruise on my knee when i get home. when did i get that sia..? haa

went phy trainin. aft phy, i went to run 10 rounds on the track constantly. felt an achievement haa. then anyhow run the track 2 rounds, and accompany joyce slow jog 5 rounds. while joggin, i tell joyce i feel that i think i cant walk properly 10 years later ba. my knees are goin against mi. protestin in pain sometimes.

tml gt ut, and i skipped 2 classes of bankin. muz at least study a little bit ltr ba hee.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

-> forgotten

it's been long since i remembered what is e feelin of hands been held walkin in the streets with someone.

suddenly remembered last time, kevin took my hand while we were shoppin fer cny clothes. but e feelin, it's forgotten.


Friday, June 27, 2008

-> juz blur

have been blur recently. nt a bit but a lot a lot. today one whole dae, duno how many times haf i got myself into funny situations because i am just darm blur. ytd wasn't only the train station's incident that i made myself a joke, but wif many other things too that because i am blur, i am the joke. haa

tml will juz be another dae that i am a joke myself. my mind isn't thinkin right.

still blur


Thursday, June 26, 2008

-> dumb

am i really that blur or am i juz dumb? hee

my incident was, took train to sch frm bishan fer fyp. (i seldom take trains due to bus concession) was listless too as i juz finished a tuition that started at 9am. so sian. train journey till admiralty and i alighted e train thinkin that i have arrived..

escalates down the platform, tap my ezlink out of the train. while doin all this, i haven even realise something was wrong. cwp wasn't in front of the station. i tot to myself, i really long time nv walk to woodlands to take train ba so it resulted a different look to mi. like it was havin a night market there.

walked front and i didn't see the usual burger king welcomin me. i saw mac instead. and i tot, wah, burger king changed to mac liao.

then, it slowly came to me that i alighted at the wrong stop. worse, i didnt know which stop i was at. looked ard to see which train station i am.

tap my ezlink again and waited fer 5mins fer e next train to woodlands.



Tuesday, June 24, 2008

-> crab

to mi, the most tiring food to eat in the world would be crab ba.. juz finished eating crab and it took mi almost 2h to finish eatin. haa i could take more than 2h sometimes.

y is it tired eatin crab to mi..? i can eat till fingers ache, coz throughout eatin, my fingers are all in the same position. aft eatin, need to stretch the fingers. shoulders ache coz sittin in e same position removin e shells n eatin the crab tilll i always feel my shoulders aching frm eatin crabs hee.

lastly, removin the shells to eat crabs is the most troublesome thing to do.. sometimes, i dun eat seafood nt because i dun like, but is i am too lazy to peel the shells of prawns, pick the bones of the fish that i nv go eat. i like seafood very very much lol hee..

but someone would always peel the prawn shells, pick the bones of the fish fer mi to eat and that is my mum...! hee.. if nt, those things will be left untouched by me. thanks mum. hee

ps. just to let u guys noe, my sis oso peels the prawn shells fer mi sometimes. addin wif my aunt, and cousin too hee... =P



Sunday, June 22, 2008

-> last night

today was e last night my cousins in spore. i slpt till 3pm watch dramas b4 tuition. all of them nt at hm coz went out liao. i nv join them. only aft my tuition then i join them at orchard.

did nothing much but juz walk walk n had my dinner cum supper at swensens.

boring day.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

-> new dream fon

zhen tell mi a new fon is out. it's my dream fon fer nw.. i wanna get it. yes i want it!

Sony Ericsson C905


-> sentosa

i skipped sch again today.. purposely. if a reason fer skippin sch was needed, i would sae "huh, i tot todae was saturday..?" hee

i am like a tourist today, takin a package tour wif my 2 cousins n bro. e package consist of, a to n fro cable car ride, a cine blast movie, underwater world, dolphine lagoon n free admission to chinatown heritage centre.

my mum saes i ride cable car b4. but i totally haf no remembrance. i wanted a memory of riddin cable car so i haf always wanted to ride one. finally today, i gt my chance to ride in the cable car wif my cousins like a tourist hee.

cine blast movie was enjoyable but short. but i focus more on my bro than the movie coz he is scare haa. to make him feel better, i kept talkin to him. it was a motion movie wher it's like an indoor roller coaster. it was a 3D show wher we wore the 3D glass. my bro was too scare to wear that so the ride to him was a 2D one.

went to underwater world which is one that i have been wantin to go since sec sch. my mum saes i have been to underwater world when i am young but again, i dun remember any. underwater world was fasinatin to mi.. if i could go again, yes i want.

admission to dolphine lagoon was free when we purchase the tix to underwater world. it's nothing much but juz a dolphine show. nv been there b4 so was expectin alot. but disappointed coz i tot it will be more fun and enjoyable. we could pay to take pics wif the pink dolphine while touchin wif purchasing the $15 coupon that allows 2 person to have close encounters wif the dolphine. we bought one coupon only sayin i take wif one of my cousin but i gave my place to the other cousin, lettin them take as a remembrance. while, if i want to take, i can take it anytime ba.. wif frenz or a him... hee

finale was, SONGS OF THE SEA. meet the rest of the fam aft the 4 of us haf finished tourin our package purcahsed. i took down e whole process of the show ba separate into videos wif a little part missin in the middle. wasn't concentradin much on e show coz i was concentradin much on takin down the video. so tired holdin e video la haa.

tired dae.

the four of us on package

kor kor hock, bro n i on e cable car

juz how huge is this spider crab

i tell u, it's hard to get the stringray's pic

look out!

kor kor hock and i

look, i gt e jelly fish on my palm

kor kor hock and kor kor kin takin pics wif e dolphine

i like this pic

an emo mi

kor kor kin n i

dad, mum, kor kor hock, kor kor kin, bro n i

how's this view?

Songs Of The Sea Part 1

Songs Of The Sea Part 2


Friday, June 20, 2008

-> singapore flyer

the plan was to go sch today n tuition at night. plan was changed to i skipped sch, went tuition in e afternoon and join my cousin to sight see singapore.

we went to singapore flyer and i find it bored. duno y haa. mayb because i'm nt wif frenz or wif a him? the next time, i wanna go wif my frenz... preferbly a him hee

ate our dinner at hong kong cafe and i ordered the mango ice again.. woohoo haa finally this time can finish wif my 2 cousins, my bro and myself eatin. this time the mango ice taste sweeter at marina sq than last time at cine. like it..!

my tix to singapore flyer

pic taken there b4 we board the singapore flyer

my 2 cousins, sis, bro n i


singapore flyer at top view

singapore flyer when we were coming down

singapore flyer frm far


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

-> pon sch n slp








-> Loneliness Knows Me By Name

Loneliness is always looking for a friend
It found me once and it has been around since then
Loneliness is never waiting by the door
It sweeps right through and it will never be ignored
Why, why was I chosen?
Why am I left without?
The Love of my life, the love that I need
The love that they say is in life for free
The love of dreams, the love that I want
Loneliness knows me by name
Loneliness knows everything I keep inside
My endless thoughts in the silence of the night
Loneliness is the one who made me see
Ain't nobody else who can make a change but me
Why, why was I chosen?
Why am I left without?
The Love of my life, the love that I need
The love that they say is in life for free
The love of dreams, the love that I want
Loneliness knows me by name
Less is more and that would be the vacant space
The cried out tears and a never ending maze I have found what only loneliness provides
A strength within knowing I will find


Monday, June 16, 2008

-> start

1st dae of sch again.

i felt so sian.

i still wan to escape frm

responsiblities i have on the stuffs..

escape frm fyp,

escape frm real life,

live in the world i like

but i know eventually i have to face back

to reality like nw.

it's just now or later.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

-> Getaway

This ophir trip’s blog, I will separate into different blog entries ba haa. The grp of us fer this trip mainly were Fadhli, Steven, Haizzatd, Heng Yi, Andy, Jeremy, Farhan, Aslam, Jia Hao, Joyce and I. Zayd join us fer a day climbing at camp 5 while steven n andy left us a day earlier. Many things happened during this trip and some of my 1st times of tryin things. 1st time carry a trekkin bag that I kept whining bout the heaviness, 1st time trek mt ophir to the summit, 1st time eat food that was cooked frm e mass tin. 1st time foot reflexology wif the kissing fishes, 1st time pubbin fer real, 1st time nearly become Indiana jones haa. There were lots of pics but I dun haf it nw so will post it once I got it. Although the trip had some hiccups here and there, but I still enjoy it afterall as to mi, it’s a getaway frm projects, stress and worries durin that short trip. I tot of nothing, no projects and worries when I am on a trip hee. Guess I shld go fer trips more often fer a getaway frm reality sometimes hee.


-> Ophir trip 08.06.08 / 09.06.08

We meet up on sun night 08.06.08 7pm but all was late as usual esp farhan our tarzan haa. I brought wei zhen’s bag but when I reached, all brought trekking backpack.! I’m e odd one out. Steven saes we will be carryin our bag up ophir and ask how am I goin to carry my bag up when I already have difficulty tuggin my bag when we are walkin haa. While waitin fer farhan to arrive, I faster go buy one cheap trekkin backpack and transfer all my barang barang into e backpack. During transferin, I felt so paisei lor haa. All the things I brought were seen by everyone helpin mi to pack. Wei zhen’s bag ended up at fad’s hse nw coz his dad help mi to take home 1st.

Train to sekamat and hitch a ride to somewhere mt ophir. Stayed there e rest of the night. In e morn, man, the place was like infested wif flies la. So many everywhere. This is one of e reason why I dun like Malaysia although I am born there. It’s dirty.!

We ride to e foot of ophir on 09.06.08 morn. Hang ard e base fer quite some time to get things done and packed to trek up ophir. But we gt a bad news and a gd one following that bad news. The bad news is we cant camp at ophir so we have to faster trek up the summit and down to the base b4 night falls. The gd news is we dun nid to bring our stuffs up le wher we can only just bring some simple stuffs like food, water and torches in case of night trek.

Trekkin was a tired process. E walk up was exhaustin. Esp those sloppy slopes up. Poor steven, he was sick fer this trip. To him, this trek was more difficult fer him than fer us as he is having fever n headache too. Steven gave up at check point 5 in e end coz he really cant take it when goin down fer it worsen his headache. We part wif steven n zatd fer zatd stayin to take care of him while e rest of us continue to trek to the summit.

Check point 5 to 6 was nt a gd one. It was durin that time wher joyce n I regretted why we didn’t stay behind wif steven haa. Jeremy motivated us a lot and aft some time I get e hang of that terrain trek, I motivate joyce too as she feels like givin up.

Aft check point 6 was e trek I like most. Climbin up big rocks and I really used a lot of climbin techniques to climb up the rocks haa. Joyce sae I took out all the climbin technique terms lol. Haa.

I hurt my knees and gt a few bruises ard e knees. On e right knee was one bruise that is e most serious where it gt swollen and felt pain even without touchin.

There’s this part wher we gt to climb up this big rock wif juz a rope. Behind us is juz like a cliff wher we could see the whole valley way below. If we fall, death was e word to describe. That was scary but e view was nice. Juz like lookin at a paintin that is painted usin pastel colours. But I could look at e view n climb up coz I need to concentrate to climb up. If nt, I will lose my balance and fell to that paintin wif pastel colours hee.

Heng yi was scary durin that part coz he let go both his hands b4 he is safely on the top landin. Couldn’t imagine if he were to lose his balance…..

The view at the summit was magnificent. But, I am really very hungry so the 1st thing I did when I reach the summit was not to take photos but eat haa. Ate oreos, choc biscults n tuna spread bread. Ate n take pics so can see so of e pics gt traces of oreo biscults? Hee. When I reach e summit, was like half dead la haa. Couldn’t be bothered to check how I look and juz take pics la. Guess my pics are damn ugly durin that time. We only hang ard that place like fer 10 min coz we have to go down quick b4 night fall else we will haf difficulty trekin down le.

Trekkin down was like hell to mi. I always know how to climb up but duno how to go down. It’s like so easy to climb up but difficult to climb down and so this applies when we are trekin down. I had a lot of difficulty trekkin down and e guys were really very helpful and carin. Whenever I haf difficulty, they will help mi. or if I slip suddenly, they will be there to grab or help mi. ask if I am ok and check on mi. slippin was what I did e most. Dun think the rest can win mi with the most no of slips ba haa. while comin down, joyce was in front of mi but i kept havin e vision wher she was zhen. duno why oso haa.

We meet up wif zatd n steven and check point 3 and trek down together. Night was fallin n at that time, my brain totally cant function le. I just simply walk n slip. Zatd was there leadin mi down. Night came and aslam lit e way fer mi wif his torch and help mi a lot when goin down. Nothing was on my mind except down down down.

Reachin e foot of ophir was like whoa… it took us 6 hours up and 4 hours down. Been walkin fer 10 hours and our knees doesn’t feel like it belongs to us any more as it was achin. Stairs was like a bane to mi fer 2 days.

We set up tents at the base fer e night’s rest b4 headin to kl the next dae. Dinner that night was self cooked pasta through mass tin by zatd n biscults. Some of the rest ate cup noodle. Slpin soundly was easy as we are tired out. Joyce and I share a tent while zatd, fad n aslam in one, the rest in the other.


-> Camp 5 10.06.08

Wake up in e morn to pack up and leave fer kl. Car ride to tankat bus station and take a bus to kl. Kfc wif some of them b4 the bus came and kfc again wif joyce when we reached kl while waitin fer zayd haa.

Went to hotel called cintamania travelers hotel and shared a room wif joyce n zatd. Steven, heng yi, jia hao n andy shared one while the rest in the other. Nice room. Next time if I were to go kl again, can consider stayin there.

Pack up and went to camp 5 in cabs. Climbing feels sucky to mi coz couldn’t climb. Mad at myself and juz sat there sulk at myself fer nt being able to climb. Haa childish mi. so wat hee. Joyce knew mi and ask mi go try some simple routes instead. Sat fer a while b4 tryin those simple routes and felt better la haa. Bathed and went wif joyce and zatd to meet zatd’s stepfather to pub. 1st time really went to pub and had a drink. Was quite bored coz nth to do. The only thing I could do there was chat. My only ‘companion’ was joyce. This uncle came started a chat wif us. Had no choice but to convers wif him coz oso gt nth to do.

The rest went to walk ard and I heard farhan was left behind again haa.

Went back changed and sleep right away.


-> Shopping 11.06.08

Was supposed to climb but everyone was lazy. Steven n andy came back Singapore on that dae as andy needs to work n steven was still sick. So we went shoppin at sungei wang instead. Bought blouses only. shoppin was hard coz my fon gt no network so I mus ‘glue’ myself to the guys haa. Also, shoppin wif them also makes mi feel uneasy coz I am used to shop alone le ba. Fer I can go in and out of e shops freely without thinkin whether the guys would wait or nt or feel bored waitin fer friends to shop in those shops that I am nt shoppin in.

Went foot reflexology. Tried fish treatment too as a package wif foot reflexology. Man haa my whole fish treatment was funny lol. Dun dare to put my foot in sia. It’s very ticklish. I keep makin a lot of noise when my feet is in e water. Kept havin e urge to kick e fish while they are tryin to eat up the dead skin cells on my feet. Haa I did kick the fishes sometimes.

Went petalling street at night. Joyce n zatd went off earlier to go to the pub again coz it’s zatd’s bdae on 12.06.08. his stepdad celebratin his bdae wif him. The guys took care of mi at petalling street coz it was crowded and I was nv the last person. Bought a lactose tee at RM 18 woohoo hee. Walk back to our hotel frm petalling street then I noe petalling street was so near to wher we stay la haa.

I went to heng yi n jia hao’s room to hang ard coz zatd and joyce took the room keys wif them. I ended up slppin at their room and lazy to go back to my room when joyce n zatd was back. Let them have some 2 pp’s world ba haa.


-> Last dae 12.06.08

Went to eat yong tau hu wif zatd, joyce, jeremy, heng yi n jia hao. Zatd’s stepdad’s treat. Was a lot! 78 pieces and RM92. We eat till the guys force themselves to finish the leftovers. We were shock when zatd’s stepdad ordered so much. Went to one utama to shop but bought nothing coz gt no money le. Juz brought some stuffs fer frenz only.

Dinner at jack’s place and we almost couldn’t make it back to s’pore. Miss the train.! Luckily zatd was smart to ask us to cab to the next train station hopin we could still catch the train. We managed and on the train, we chatted a lot of stuffs. Like how we nearly become Indiana jones wher we might have to jump onto the train when it was movin and what would happen if we miss the train again. Lookin at pics and laughin at the ugly pics esp one of mine blah blah. Slpt in e train till I reach sing.

Durin e trip I am mostly wif joyce n zatd. Sometimes seein them together makes mi think wher is my another half. I will move myself away and join e guys.


-> Friday 13.06.08

Reach hm at 9am bath and went to tuition to yi wen and sabrina’s hse aft that. Went home to eat then zhen wanna hang outside so go meet up wif her and sally too as she is free too. We hang ard at nebo restaurant and played taboo. Haa a way to pass time ba laughin and chattin. Sally left us to meet her bf so left mi n zhen but she dun wanna go hm yet so we went to cosmoblie wher chan meng ah ma is workin. Hang ard there e rest of the night and meet up wif sally again when she came back haa. E whole dae I was like fallin aslp lol coz I haven catch back all my slp yet.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

-> night life

this few days i hae been meetin zhen.. fri aft tuition went little india and clarke to do e filmin wif mama fer fyp.. walk and walk only haa.

my dinner on fri was at swensens.. woohoo.. kevin's treat haa. went to find zhen coz heard frm her that chun fa was playin soccer wif wei zhang they all. when i reached, i saw many familiar faces. my pri sch frenz, chun fa and wei hao. sec sch frenz, favian, qi ming, chan meng, sen gui. even my poly fren oso there la ah boy haa.

went to eat ice cream wif zhen aft their soccer game. and this started out the late night movie. went hm to change then zhen n i cab down to cine fer movies, wif kai hoe, wei zhang's fren. while waitin fer wei zhang to finish racin, we walk down to selegie to have tau huay but duno y, my tau huay mood wasn't there haa.

met up wif zhang and we went to hong kong cafe to haf his 'dinner'. zhen and i shared the mango ice but we couldnt finish. people ard were lookin at us when we are havin e mango ice probably coz they think we are mad...? haa that time was 3am plus lol..

watched kung fu panda. a funny show but i am tired. eyes like closin but i focused haa.

zhang sent us hm aft movie. reach hm ard 5am plus goin to 6 and i juz drop to my bed aft i changed haa. slp till 4pm zhen called then wake up. fyp was cancelled due to mama nt feelin well.

bath n went to market to eat dunch wif zhen. then head to li ling's hse fer tuition. aft tuition, meet up wif zhen again fer kbox but went movie instead. watched narnia. nice show.

home at 3am and pack my clothes fer today till 5am then slp. my clothes are now in ziplock bag only nt in e bag hee.

wake up at 9.10am fer tuition then meet wif zhen again fer brunch and home to rest + prepare fer tonight's trip..!



Friday, June 6, 2008

-> 2nd dae

oops nt mense 2nd dae but home alone 2nd dae. when i reach hm, it's already late le. 1st thing i do when i reach hm is on e lights and tv or radio. haa. it feels creepy to be in e hse if the whole hse is quiet lea. maybe bcoz i am used to the hse very noisy n bright coz my tv is like on whole dae, sis n bros playin games on psp or gameboy of com. and my dad likes to light up e hse bright bright, always switch on all e lights.

i left my living room lit wif a night light haa.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

-> home

oh boy, i'm home alone till sun when i am off with corkscrewers to mt ophir trekkin and kl to climb.

i felt so silently lonely.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

-> woohoo


i'm happy.. haa my trekkin cum climbin trip wif e corkscrewers is sponsored.. haa luckily i haven go change e money into ringgats.. hee.

tml my whole fam goin gentin le.. i will be home alone till my trip wif e corkscrewers. they will only be back when i am off ba. nv go wif them partly bcoz of fyp too. haiz.. meals will be on my own le..

i wan to haf a meal partner lea hee...


-> jocelyn

jocelyn u sux.! haa

finally took out papers n pencil to draft e storyboard but you only draw one e 1st scene and distracted... haa..

i really sux.


Monday, June 2, 2008

-> fyp

haiz... wat has to be face muz be faced in the end. haf been slackin away fer fyp fer a few daes le.. nv do things fer like 2 wks? haa

jocelyn.... juz pick up e pencil and start draftin fer e storyboard la.


[+] Me

Xiao Ke Ai, Sotong
Republic Poly
Lazy, Rock climber, Blur

[+] Tagboard