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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

-> Busy day

Wao a very busy day fer mi today lol haa. I meet Lynnda in e aft to watch movie b4 trainin. We watched The Protege n went shop shop aft e movie as there is still a bit of time. The movie was nice but i find some part gross n Louis Khoo de image was funny. The gross part is where one of e police gt his hand hammered away by e drug maker while he is tryin to unlock e door frm outside tru a small hole. Yucks.. And there's another part wher tis woman was dead frm drug takin. Wher's e gross part..? It's wher Daniel Wu found her at her hse wif a lot of rats ard her body n blood comin out frm her mouth, nose.. Gross man.. Louis Khoo de image was funny bcoz he had protrudin teeth, blueback eye, dirty all over throughout e whole movie. Looks funny haa i tell dada his image looks like lao gao haa. Aft movie we went addidas to see jacket. Saw one we like but no size fer dada so we went to other outlets but also dun haf.. All e shoppin fer jacket makes mi late fer trainin lol but nvm coz i oso nt intendin to climb today.
We took bus 171 coz gt pass by dada de workin place as she is workin at 6pm at upper bukit timah road. She told mi aft she alight, i will reach yishun in 15mins time. BUT..! She's wrong.. It took mi bout 45mins more aft she alights to reach yishun lol.. So in e end, i m very very late lol. But nvm coz e others oso nv blame mi hee. I help them settle their bill le then jiu went off le coz today company gt dinner..! Woohoo.. Haa
Meet Jovi dey all 8pm at Vila'ge, Heeren. I'm late again but nt very jialat la haa.. Wao nv been dere b4 n i'm like wow haa.. Jovi dey all very take care of mi wher dey keep askin mi to eat eat haa. Jovi brought mi ard n intro mi some food dat's nice. I only ordered Ham n Cheese Crepe coz e others ordered a lot of food to share share. Wao, e whole table was pack wif food lol Jessica, Jovi, Gina n Claro ordered a lot of food haa. Danny juz sat dere to look aft our stuffs. Nv took any pic today coz i paisei to take. No pp take ma haa. I eat quite little but i feel very very full lol haa. I eat crepe again fer dessert but tis time was a mango strawberry crepe wif tiramisu ice cream.. Yum yum my fav ice cream haa..
Aft e dinner, Gina n Claro went hm together n i actually wanted to take bus hm but in e end, Jovi call mi back sae Jessica n Danny will drive mi hm. Durin e ride back, we chatted a lot n had laughters.


-> Makeup model

Went wif Sally to b a makeup model fer Dior e makeup specialist. As usual, i'm late n can't wake up haa. Sally called mi to wake mi up in e end n she call twice to make sure i nv go back to slp haa.
First time being a makeup model fer pp so duno wat to do. Haa. They trim our eyebrows n practise their skills on us too. The one who trim my eyebrow call Evelyn. Her skills nt bad n i quite like it haa. Then dey each practise their eyebrow drawin skills on us. There were 5 of us as models where there's Sally, her aunt, her aunt's fren, mi n one other ger who is one of e makeup specialist de sis. There were 4 makeup artise so dey each take one of us except e ger to do e eyebrow trimmin except de ger as she had done it liao. So evelyn help mi trim n draw my eyebrow. Later, e other 3 makeup specialist exchange models to practise too.
This trip today sounds new to mi as it's a new experience to mi haa. Gt free eyebrow trimmin, free makeover n free gifts wor hee. Although dere's no pay fer this but i tink it's fine wif mi as i gain a new experience haa. I dun mind gg fer tis again if dere's another one haa. No harm wat haa..
Pic taken aft we r done being makeup models..!


Monday, February 26, 2007

-> Gathering at Mr & Mrs Tan de hse

A sudden plan to go to Ms Tan hse pai nian resulted in mi work 3h less today. Jovi a bit nt happy coz i last min tell her i gg ms tan hse today but in e heard she oso can't do any thing n let mi go. The shop today close e earliest lol bcoz of mi haa.

OMG. Again damn borin lol n cold~ haa 4get bring jacket to work n wear racerback somemore haa. Guess wat i did to keep myself warm..? Haa e fittin rm used curtains as e 'door' of e fittin rm so i took e chair to e fittin rm n sat dere. Y? Coz i use e curtain n wrap ard myself..! Haa damn funny lol coz it looks so wrong. Haa. Sit dere quite warm le oso no use.. Y..? Coz i fall asleep there! Haa too comfee liao la so i went to buy XL chicken at ShiLin to eat. Went toilet aft eatin but came back cold again so wrap myself again. And, the scenario repeat again wher i fall aslp again haa. Tis time worst than the other times i fall aslp. Buay tahan, so i went to buy fruits as i m still full n dun wish to eat unhealthy food hee.

Guess i'm crazy ba i bought kiwi, mango, rockmelon, orange n sun melon.! Haa i finish all e fruits till i feel very terrible full lol but i dun care haa. Aft eatin e fruits i dun feel dat sleepy liao n quite hyper haa. Walk here walk dere jump here jump dere haa. Close shop at 1800 than take bus to ms de hse liao woohoo.

Reach dere le but blur went wrong blocks twice. Coz weizhen sae blk 7, level 8 unit 9. I went to blk 7 went up lvl 8 but nv see any unit 9 so i went down n go another blk but wrong too so went e other one n finally gt it rite haa.

Quite a no of pp were already dere coz dey went early. Ms tan gave us an Ang Bao each although e food n stuffs dey already provided. I think it muz cost a bomb to them as there were bout 20 plus of us dere lol.

Jun Rong, Clement, Sen Gui, Jonathan, Wei Hao, Jun Cai, Melvin, David, Henry, Beatrice, Wei Zhen, Catherine n mi were present fer pp of 5A and Clarence, Gerald, Scott, Cheryl, Li Yan, Li Juan n Grace were present fer pp of 5B. There were 2 tables of majongs n a rm full of pp gamblin haa. CNY gamblin mood ma last yr oso lidat.

Beat, WZ n i left early but b4 we left, we took a grp foto haa can't wait to see e foto sia. Mevin Drive e 3 of us to Bishan MRT coz he gg to get Roti Plata (Mr Tan pay) fer e rest wif Li Juan n WH too. So the 5 of us squeeze in e back seat of mel's car as Li Juan's fren took e front seat. Haa e view was damn funny as it was damn pack. Beat call wz to sit on her lap while e rest of us squeeze in e seat lol haa.

Aft mel drop us at j8, beat went to meet her fren while zhen n i went shoppin..! Wasn't quite concentratin coz i m mesmerised by everything haa. Long time nv go j8 liao ma so find everything interestin.. The look on my face of coz were blur blur n like a child lidat, being mesmerise by bright colours haa.

When it was time to go hm, zhen propose takin cab hm instead of bus coz she sae she long time nv sit liao n since she gt spare money nw. Haa. I think funny lol coz our hse were only like less than 10 bustops. We wait at e taxi stand towards our hse de direction but no cab came till i flag my hand than a more ex cab came haa. Funny though coz i nv expect this new cab to come. The destination was amk street 22 as both of us live dere haa. She reach 1st than mine further dwn e street. N e fare was....... $4.70 bucks haa tink quite worth it ba. Hee.

Guess i haf really been busy ba busy till i 4get today is Dada de bdae (26.02).. Feel bad lea to 4get her bdae coz she rmb mine.. Haiz duno get wat fer her.. Meetin her on tue fer movie so tml muz muz muz rmb to get a present fer her haa. Duno tml will wake up in time to meet up wif Sally ma haa.


Saturday, February 24, 2007

-> Woohoo

Yea very happy coz long time nv go out wif my mummy (Sally) n sis (Wei Zhen) le hee.. We mit at 12 but in e end later coz i always late de hee. We went shoppin at Heeren, Far East plaza n Bugis..! I brought alot of things sia haa bought 3 shirts n a shorts. I bought e most in e end lol haa. By right is Wei Zhen wan to buy clothes de but end up Sally n i bought more than Wei Zhen. Both Sally n i didn't have any intend to buy clothes in e first place esp mi lol haa. But nvm, i nv regret buyin coz no pp will sae no to new clothes rite when there still is money to spare rite haa.

When we finished shoppin, saw Zhi Wei at Bugis with his lion dance grp talk to him a while then we walk ard jiu go back le. We hang ard at AMK centre de mac fer a while till bout 10 plus lidat then go hm le.

Very happy that one of the things i wanna do tis mth fulfill part of it. What is it lea..? It's to meet up wif my frenz..! Dat's wat holis r fer although i need to work. So unlike e last holi wher i work till very tired n haf no time fer myself n frenz, i work one less dae so i could at least haf a dae off per week to meet up wif frenz or rest n two other daes off fer rc..! Hee.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

-> Chinese New Year..!

Kor Kor Kin n mi.. (Looks close right haa)
Whoo.. Happy Chinese New Year..! As usual, i went to Malaysia to celebrate my Chinese New Year with my mother's side relatives. Mi takin pic wif Kor Kor Huat de spec..
Had a lot of fun with my cousins n kind of feel sad when i am leavin juz nw lol.. Alomost cry out but i held back my tears. Haa. Everytime lidat wan when coming back frm Kor Kor Kin de hse i will kind of feel sad and wanted to cry when i leave. Haa. I'm a emo kid ba haa.

Went to grandma hse on fri night. 0230 then reach grandma hse left a few more hrs then daybreak but i dun like to stay at grandma hse coz gt a lot of lizards n flys..! So i went to slp at kor kor kin hse instead. Although kor kor kin hse oso gt lizards but i duno y i feel dat e probability of mi gettin in contact wif the lizards at kor kor kin de hse is less than grandma hse lol. Haa. So no matter wat i oso dun wanna slp at grandma hse even e 1st night wher it was too late fer mi to go kor kor kin hse le i oso nv slp. I stay awake to avoid gettin in contact wif lizards lol. Lol.. Lizards was damn damn gross lol e sight of it turns me off let alone accidentally in contact wif it. Yuck..! Haa
Kor Kor Kin feedin mi wif some snacks b4 dinner..!
Kor Kor Hock n mi.. (Requested him to post something special lol haa)
Kor Kor Huat n mi.. (He is more good lookin in person than photos lol)
I enjoy stayin at kor kor kin de hse wif e company of kor kor hock n kor kor huat too.. Dey treat our family better than their dad's side de cousins lol haa. And of all cousins, i am very close to these 3 cousins n enjoy their company although dey r way older than mi by 3, 6 n 7 yrs old..
The candy dat Kor Kor Hock brought mi.. Yummy..! Haa
All e kor kors care fer us very much haa like kor kor huat, he knows we like to eat chocs n brought a lot of chocs fer us. Then kor kor hock, he brought us candies n gave us each 20 bucks. As fer kor kor kin, although he didn't buy us any thing but the bond between us fer e strongest as we always hang ard. He knows us better than e other 2 kor kors so we can get ard very gd.
Anyway tok bout i how my CNY.. E 1st dae of cny, i went to grandma hse wif kor kor kin dey all as i stay dere ma haa. Haiz foreva e same wher at grandma de hse will b very borin wher i will juz go dere to b a vase haa.. Juz to "bai mei" haa. Coz i dun really noe all e pp who came as we seldom meet juz 1 yr once haa. Nv tok to dem b4 lol so juz hang ard wif e kors kors n chat haa. In e afternoon, went back to kor kor kin de hse n idle our dae away lol haa.
Snackiin b4 dinner wif my sis~..
Durin e 2nd dae, my mum dey all wan to eat Puri (something dat Singapore dun haf) so dey sae wan wake up early to go eat. Bcoz i slp alot n prepare long, my mum ask kor kor kin dey all to wake mi earlier haa. In end, we didn't manage to eat coz e shop nv open so we went to eat Nasi Lemak instead. The rest of e day, we idle our dae away too coz nth to do but in e night, we had bbq fer dinner. As usual, every yr kor kor kin dad's side de relatives will come n stay at their hse on e 2nd dae of cny as gathering. Wat r e usual ting we kids will do? Of coz gamble la haa. Tis yr, i lost Rm 30+ while gambling so towards e end, i didn't gamble le haa. Lously luck tis yr ba haa.

Then e 3rd dae of cny which is today, we finally managed to go eat the Puri tis morn n went to Melaka to buy some stuffs to give pp back in Singapore. Then about 1430 lidat, we came back to sin le lol..
Enjoyed my stay dere coz all e kor kors treat us very gd n accommodating. Dat's y we nv quarrel once b4 wor hee.
Kor Kor Huat n mi.. (He looks nicer in side view than front view when takin photo lol)
Kor Kor Hock n mi b4 i left fer hm..
Kor Kor Kin n mi.. (Taken durin cny day 2)


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

-> Last dae of sch again

Ytd was e last dae of sch, last dae of 2nd sem.. I didn't go to sch again coz i dun like sci n e fac. Also, aft sch rc gt a stay over at climb asia so i might as well slp in late.

Sch end liao but i dun haf any 'she bu de' de feelin lea. Mayb coz dis sem e bond is nt as close as last sem ba. Totally diff feelin frm last sem lol.

Ytd nv bk bus to go asia so nid to go ourselves. I mit wif Renjie to go asia together so dat he will go. Haa. Both of us were e 1st to reach although we were late lol. I didn't climb much coz it was an easy climb ytd so as usual, i slack n sit dere see pp climb. We climb till bout 10 lidat we pack up n went fer dinner. Some of us didn't wan to tag our bag along coz heavy so we hide our bags in the cupboards as last nite's stay over was a secretly stay over coz the boss didn't noe.

We hang outside till bout 11+ 12 lidat then went back so as to ensure that everyone had left. When we went in, some of them still continue to climb downstairs while some watch some climbin videos on how other pp climb durin competition.

We climb till bout 2+ 3 lidat then went up liao as Micheal sae can't climb liao so some pp on their lappys fer entertainment. Haa. I didn't brin my lappy so i only sit there and see ard lol. Dennis was gd lol (hee) coz he took out his mp3 n share wif mi while he play 'Magic' wif Kenny. Aft playin 1 or 2 rounds, Darren and Daryl join too. In the end, i oso join in although i duno how to play as dey tink dat i veri ke lian sit dere doin nth but juz watchin dem play. Haa.

Denis taught mi how to play n i sort of how to play a little bit le. In the progress, i feel dat Denis was actually very sweet too.. Hee. We talk a bit n had a few laughs. He was a nice guy sia. Haiz too bad ytd was he last dae n yr of sch..!

Today morn i went hm 1st to bathe n told the rest i will b back fer aft e trainin but in e end, i did nt. I overslept..! Haa. Worst part of all, Zayd call to tell mi 2nite's dinner was cancel but i misunderstood dat dey were endin e trainin soon so i dress up n went to mit dem at Yishun Safra. When i reached dere then i realise dat dey went hm le so in e end i went shoppin.! Haa. Dun waste my effort of comin out any way wat haa.


Sunday, February 11, 2007

-> Night cyclin..

Went night cyclin on fri nite till ytd morn.. Damn tired man.. Haa.. Marilyn dey all sae i siao coz b4 night cyclin, i went joggin.. I wan to jian fei ma.. Haa..

Night cyclin was quite fun but.. Man..! My butt darm hurts lol.. We cycle fer 50+km lol.. Feel very proud n a sense of achievement aft i completed.. Coz it's 50+km lea.. Andrew dey all keep wantin to give up lol.. In the end, dey did give up. Left Marilyn, Sherrill n i completed all.

The journey started frm sch to the 1st rest pt, Bukit Panjang then to Macritche Reservior then Seletar camp and lastly back to sch.. Heard fr e others, by right e whole journey shld b 55.5km but when cyclin frm Seletar camp back to sch we took short care as a lot of pp cannot take it liao..

Aft cyclin, i went to eat Mac breakfast wif Marilyn then go back bathe n went to work. Wao.. While workin i m damn slug lol very blur blur n can't walk properly haa.. I finished workin at 6pm coz my dad wans to eat reunion dinner last nite.. When i m back, my mum haven finished cookin so while waitin, i on my lappy n go online fer a while.. But b4 e dinner starts, i already slp liao.. I slp frm 7+pm to today morn 10 lol.. Somemore juz nw morn is my mum wake mi up de.. Still tired lol haa.. Late fer work an hour juz nw but nvm haa.. Today morn then eat last nite e dinner lol coz cook a lot..


Friday, February 9, 2007

-> Nonsense training.. Haa

Ytd went trainin at Yishun Safra haa e trainin was like nonsense lol.. Y..? Coz all of us were like crazy playin ard n takin lots of photos haa..

Micheal dey all went to e rock gym dyno here n dere n i helped dem to take photos. The photos was like dey were flyin lol.. Haa..

Stupid Steven, go n teach Syafie sae all those things like "可以做我的女人吗?" blah blah blah.. I was like omg..! Duno wat to reply or sae wat lol.. But he keep sayin this and "我爱你", "我喜欢你" and "是真的".. I really duno wat to sae lol..

Tink i only treat him as a fren nia..? Haa..


Thursday, February 8, 2007

-> 保護色

保護色 by 蘇亦承

想對你說的 讓他先說了
從此只能 猜測
你流淚是因為 快樂
想要給你的 他先給你了
從此只能 附和
寂寞和愛 本來難分割
路越走越曲折 不能回頭了
能傷害我的 都是我愛的
I like this song (nw playin) very much aft watchin KO One (终极一班) de drama.. In e show, e song is Xiao Yu (Aaron Yan Ya Lun) helped Da Dong (Jiro Wang Dong Cheng) to compose a song for An Qi (Mei Yan) called MC 之歌. Where that time An Qi was alone overseas suffering but Da Dong can't be able to help. So, he ask Xiao Yu to compose this song to remembrance An Qi's 5 years ago first period.
How i wish there would haf someone like wat e lyrics saes care fer mi. The lyrics is bout, there's someone who like this ger n wanted to tell her his feelins but someone took a step b4 him. He can't do any thing already as it's too late n e only thing he could do would be to be her guardian angel.
Haiz.. But too bad, i dun haf someone like this guy came to my life b4..


Friday, February 2, 2007

-> So sweet

Haa.. Zhi Wei happen to pass by my shop while i am workin today.. He lucky sia coz i happen to work e whole dae as i skip sch again todae.. Haa.. Nv expect any thing frm him coz his presence was already a surprise liao.. As i m very borin while workin.. He bought mi drink frm e liang cha stall at ps.. Nv expect sia.. Dat's y i find dat was very nice of him n sweet.. Haa..

Talkin bout sweet, i m reminded of ytd wher Syafie pull mi away frm a comin bike. I didn't noe the bicycle was comin as i am puttin plaster on my hand as the skin peels n bleed while i am climbin coz i slip n fall.. Still gt a few scratches n bruises on my hands n legs.. Haiz.. Any way, the way he pull mi was nt a typical kind of pull but it was like he put his hands around my shoulders and pull mi in front of him. To mi, it was like he was protectin mi by pullin mi in front of him. I find dat was very sweet of him too..

Kevin noe i hurt myself while climbin ytd n he said i always very blur.. Haa.. Jus nw oso sae i very blur coz i everyday slp late. He knows mi well, noe dat i m very blur n likes to slp alot.. He cares bout mi alot too la coz he is my bro ma haa..

Dey all are so sweet but i m nt attached to any of them dunno y. Haa.. Still prefer to b single? Haa even mi myself duno wat i wan.. Part of mi wanna be attached but part of mi wanna b single.. Haiz tink i m quite weird weird de lea.. Always gt tis trend dat i m very close (like keepin in touch) wif guys fer a period of time but aft dat period we will stop contactin each other n carry on wif our lives.. Duno y always like dat.. I can name a lot of pp out in tis scenario lol.. Like Susu, Zhi Wei, Keith, Kevin, MoMo, Xin Yu, Melvin +++++..

Speakin bout Xin Yu, shock mi sia.. While chattin he suddenly sae "aku cinta padamu". I dun noe wat is e meanin so i ask my mom n she sae is "wo jiu shi xi huan ni (i juz like u)". He really sae "i love u" lol.. Duno wat to react sia n i nv sae any ting much regardin dat sentence.. Tink he jokin ba n i juz treat him as a fren nia..

Lastly i wan to add wat i promise Kel.. Haa.. She ask mi to write bout her bout next fri cyclin tingy.. But too bad, e cyclin tingy haven reach yet so i haf nth to write but i will write one ting bout her fer sure.. She is a Slack + Majong + Stupid SHIT.. Haa..

Write fer very long liao but i still haven finished writin e blog lol.. Coz i haf been msnin n writin tis.. Waa.. Kevin keep shooin me to go slp lol haa..


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Xiao Ke Ai, Sotong
Republic Poly
Lazy, Rock climber, Blur

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